Dr. Kristen Parker
Practice Limited to Internal Medicine
Dr. Kristen Parker is residency-trained in the area of small animal internal medicine. She is based out of Jacksonville, FL, and is available to serve general practice and emergency animal hospitals throughout the Jacksonville metropolitan area.
Dr. Kristen Parker has had a strong love for animals since she was a child. From a young age, she decided to devote her life to becoming a veterinarian. She attended Jacksonville University for her undergraduate studies and the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, where she received her doctorate in veterinary medicine. After graduating, she spent eight years in a busy small animal practice where growth and development were strongly encouraged. Through this experience, she developed an overwhelming passion for internal medicine, which encouraged her to pursue further training in internal medicine. She completed a small animal internal medicine residency in Canada, then expanded her practices abroad to South Australia, where she developed a broader base of knowledge in cardiology, oncology, and neurology. Kristen’s time abroad instilled a passion for working with veterinarians to provide the best care possible as a member of the veterinary medical team. Her special interests include endoscopy, ultrasonography, echocardiography, and endocrinology. Dr. Parker joined MOVES the summer of 2021.
- 2021
Joined MOVES - 2013-2021
Private Practice - 2010-2013
Completed residency and MVSc at University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary medicine - 2001-2009
Private Practice - 2001
Earned DVM degree from University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine - 1998
Graduated from Jacksonville University with a B.S. in Biology
Kristen Parker, Elisabeth Snead, James Anthony, and Tawni Silver. Oronasal blastomycosis in a golden retriever. Can Vet J. 2013 Aug; 54(8): 748–752.
Kristen Parker, Elisabeth Snead. Atypical Presentation of Ovarian Remnant Syndrome in a Dog. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association July 2014; 50(4):e1-e5
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What does Limited to the Practice of Internal Medicine mean?
A veterinarian who has completed residency training, but is not board certified may indicate that his or her practice is “Limited to the Practice of Internal Medicine,” and no connection to the ACVIM is implied or intended.
A “Practice Limited” veterinarian has undergone extensive additional training after veterinary school, consisting of a minimum of a 1-year internship followed by a 3-year residency program. During the residency there are specific training and caseload requirements that must be met and anyone who wishes to pursue board certification after residency must also perform research that is published in a scientific journal.
Veterinarians who practice internal medicine under the “Practice Limited” designation may or may not choose to complete the board certification process. Any “Practice Limited” veterinarians employed by MOVES have a demonstrated track record of successful outcomes and the unreserved recommendation of their peers and mentors.
No connection to the ACVIM is implied. Learn more at acvim.org.
What is a fear-free certified professional?
Founded in 2016, Fear Free provides online education to veterinary professionals, pet professionals, animal welfare communities, and pet owners. Fear Free courses are developed and written by the most respected veterinary and pet experts in the world, including boarded veterinary behaviorists, boarded veterinary anesthesiologists, pain experts, boarded veterinary internists, veterinary technicians (behavior), experts in shelter medicine, animal training, grooming, boarding, and more.
With all the false (and harmful!) pet information on the internet, Fear Free aims to keep veterinary healthcare teams and pet professionals at the forefront as the true pet health experts. By closely listening to the needs of the profession and those of the new generation of pet owners, Fear Free has become one of the single most transformative initiatives in the history of companion animal practice, providing unparalleled education on emotional wellbeing, enrichment, and the reduction of fear, anxiety, and stress in pets and improving the experience of every human and pet involved.
Adapated from “What is Fear Free?” on FearFreePets.com.